Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Books I'm reading

I tend to have a few books on the go at any given time. Currently I'm into mysteries, and have decided to give Patricia Cornwell another go after deciding a few years ago that she was getting boring. So I'm reading Blow Fly by her. Not the best, but I'll probably finish it.

I am also reading some books by Christopher Brookmyre. He's a Glaswegian author, described on the jacket as Scottish noir. I'm definitely enjoying these ones.

Just finished a few by PJ Tracy. Very readable.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I also whipped through a Dean Koontz, Life Expectancy. Pretty quirky book.

I'm also reading some non-fiction. Nothing exciting, mostly stuff about writing CVs and promoting yourself. Of course, if they work, you won't see much of me on here!


graz said...

Thanks. That book rings a bell, and I have a gift certificate for Amazon which needs spending!

S said...

I echo kateroo's comments. I read "the end of Povery" last winter and, as a non-economist, was fascinated and convinced by some of the arguments. Plus if Bono likes it...

I'm now reading one of the books recommended by Jeffrey Sachs: Guns Germs and Steel, by Jared Diamond (1997) described on the back as "a brilliantly written, passionate, whirlwind tour through 13,000 years of history on all the continents. Wow.